Worship at Calvary is... 

... a powerful experience of celebration through worship music that is modern/contemporay and includes hymns that speak timelessly into our lives.  

... focused on the majesty of our Creator who has come in the flesh to reveal himself to us in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Savior of the world.

... a sacred experience of being open to the Spirit of God who is present to enliven us when we gather in the name of Jesus Christ.

... grounded in the Biblical message of God's self-sacrificing, forgiving love and the transformation that following Jesus brings.


Following Jesus.

All of us follow someone or something.  At Calvary, we have chosen to follow Jesus because doing so has transformed our lives.  We learn the truth about who Jesus is and how to follow Him from the Bible, particularly the New Testament.  We learn that following Jesus is about more than what we believe.  It is about who we are, where we find meaning, and how we live.  It is about being like Jesus in our relationships, marriages, families, communities, and world.  Following Jesus doesn't answer our every question about life, but it does shape us into people who can handle not knowing all the answers.  Following Jesus takes us on a spiritual journey in which we not only find God, we find our true selves, and we find truth itself.  Following Jesus takes us on a journey in which we discover that to know Jesus is to know God -- that God is like Jesus -- and that is good news.  Following Jesus teaches us how to live and to love until we one day see Him face to face in eternity.  At the heart of everything we do is our daily desire to follow Jesus.  He is the only true hope for our own lives and for the world.

Friending the world.

We all need a friend, a true friend.  At Calvary, we have chosen to be a friend to the world.  Jesus called those who followed him "friends."  His friends were not perfect; neither are we.  Rather than setting up human standards that are impossible for any of us to keep, we point our friends to Jesus because in Him, we find the best friend we could ever imagine.  We find a friend who sacrificed his own life for us, who loves us beyond measure, who forgives us when we mess up, and who wants the best for us. We find a friend who loves us as we are and also loves us enough to not leave us as we are.  At Calvary, friending the world means that we build relationships that mirror the compassion of Jesus, that respect the image of God in every person, and that invite others into a relationship with Jesus.  Friending the world means we strive to love and serve others regardless of how similar or different we are.  It means we are active in the world to help bring the peace of God into the lives of our friends through personal trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  

Why Calvary?

Learn about what makes Calvary who we are and why we exist.

Why Jesus?

Learn about who Jesus is, why we follow Him, and how we do it.

Our Pastor

Learn about our pastor, why he's here, and what he wants you to know.

Contact Us

Have questions, prayer needs, or need more informaiton?


"Welcome to Calvary!  We are a family of faith who are focused on two things: Following Jesus and Friending the World.  I would encourage you to read more about what those things mean to us on this website.  Calvary is a special place with a special story.  Please take a moment to watch this video.  In it, I share with you briefly about Calvary, about myself,  about why I am here at Calvary, and about what I think is important for you to know.  We hope you will be our guest in person for worship this Sunday.  I'd like to meet you in person, so please track me down following worship and introduce yourself.  Or, if I see you first, I'll do the same." 

- Pastor Rendell



Our monthly news letter contains the latest information about happenings at Calvary.


Watch our pastor's weekly sermons online.

Keep in touch and share.  We are "Calvary Church Asheville"